My Beautiful cat Ben

I feel I should talk about Ben now and where he is at the moment. For 15 months he has had kidney failure, but is still here on the earth plane, due to the miracle of healing. He has his off days but when this happens he asks me for more healing. I know he is not going to be around that much longer as we all have an allotted time here, but as he and I have discussed this, I will know when he is ready to go back to spirit. At the moment he is enjoying the good weather like us all.

After several months of being numb, I am now writing to update you. Ben passed back to spirit towards the end of last year (2019) He was able to indicate to me what he wanted when he lost the use of his back legs and we asked the vet to help him on his journey. I am so grateful that I was able to hear his request. He was a great teacher and soulmate to both my son and I. He is missed each and every day.

Healing Trust/NFSH Region 2 Talk and AGM 24 March 2018 @ 2pm Near Southampton


I will be giving a talk on Animal Healing to healer members and members of the public on 24 March 2018 from 2pm – 3.30pm in the Woodford Suite at Wickham Community Centre,Mill Lane, Wickham SO17 5AL. There is parking available.

If you would like to find out more about the Healing Trust and what spiritual healing/training entails from healer members, come along and meet with us and attend the talk. £5 will help to cover costs. Bring photos and/or mobile phone pictures of any animals needing healing.

There will be a raffle with hot drinks and biscuits available.

Following the talk will be the AGM from 3.45pm for members only.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Ben’s Cancer is gone!

This is my final update on Ben as he has now been discharged from veterinary care. Jane could not feel anything during her visit this time and has said that she no longer wishes to see him again,unless I feel something is amiss. So, I can finally relax and I thank Ben for giving me a ‘not so gentle nudge’ in the right direction on my animal healing/communication path. We are all delighted at the outcome.

Further update on Ben

Following a further visit by Jane on Saturday, I am delighted to report that she is now struggling to find anything. ‘There is still a slight thickening but less obvious than last time.’ Ben’s next examination has been extended from 6 weeks to 9 weeks now. Needless to say I am a very happy person!

Ben’s Good News!

Well….. Jane once again examined Ben on Saturday, and I am delighted to report that the growth has now reduced to one third (if that) of it’s original size and it has changed from being a ‘bulbous,solid lump’ to a much smaller mass which Jane stated is ‘more like scar tissue now’.  And from my observations, Ben is behaving much as he did before he became ill, hunting, fighting and even tackling rats again – he has the marks to prove it. He is acting as if he is much younger than his 12 years and is not asking me for healing so much now either. Another update will follow in 6 weeks,when the vet examines him again. Let’s hope it will have disappeared altogether by then!