I am often asked to deal with behavioural problems, which may have been visible since acquiring their horse or perhaps have suddenly and inexplicably developed. For example loading difficulties which can cause an enormous amount of stress for the horses and their carers until the horses are able to share the reasons for their fear/dislike of being loaded into a trailer/box – One horse I spoke to was fearful of the journey itself (which he said was extremely uneven/unsteady) rather than actually going into the trailer. Another horse was worried about being taken away from his owner in the trailer – which is what had happened previously, and he didn’t want it happening again. This shows we can never guess what the reasons are, we have to ask!
I also work with unexplained physical ailments or ailments which do not appear to be responding to conventional medicine; as well as trauma, which if emotional/mental is not often visible until communicated, and can be connected to the past; performance problems; assistance with end of life transition; loss of companion animal or family member; stress; neglect; change – whatever that may be; and also communication problems between horses and their carers too. Basically, if you have a perceived problem, I will try and solve it with the horse’s assistance and as negotiation is key, I will probably ask you to be part of the process too.
Who I am and what I do has everything to do with love, understanding and a wish to assist the horses by improving the relationship between horses and and their carers. These majestic and wise creatures have much to teach us about love, patience and becoming our true selves, if we only take the time to listen to their words of wisdom in this fast-paced world we have created for ourselves. The belief that we are connected to all life-forms and that everything we do affects us and the world around us in some way is paramount to the way I work.
Perhaps the best way to understand what I do is to see me as a spiritual detective; journeying with the horses to see what is wrong in their energy field and then releasing the block(s) in their energy field, so that their own healing processes take over and balance is restored. I let you know what I see and how I feel we can best help them. I work in an expansive way as an intuitive healer and communicator, with the Angels and my Native American guide supporting me in what I do.
Communication and healing are closely related and interchangeable and I have found through my work that they cannot exist in isolation as one leads on to the other, as I hope to illustrate below.
While communicating with them, I often find there is an underlying need for healing, which their carer may not be aware of, which leads to me asking questions of both the horses and carers as necessary. By joining with your horse and feeling your horse’s pain, joy, sadness and any other emotions that they are experiencing, I can relay back to you what appears to be wrong. And together we can work to assist your horse to feel more at ease.
Healing can be very effective when all other avenues have been exhausted as many problems are created in the energy field, in both this lifetime or further back in the past, and thus the physical symptoms are the last to be produced. Whilst I am exploring the reasons for the problem, I am talking to them and reassuring them and listening to what they have to say, which is then fed back to the carers, so that both horses and humans have a better understanding of each other and anything which needs to be healed within your relationship can be assisted too.
I work in their presence, or remotely, which makes no difference to the communication and healing given/received. All consultations are individual but from the outset I can give you some idea of how many sessions it will take to assist your horse and if I am unable to do so, I will let you know this too.
Please be aware, I am not qualified to, and do not diagnose medical problems and If you haven’t already contacted a vet you will be encouraged to do so before I begin a consultation.
I charge for travel if more than 10 miles from my home (to be agreed at the time of booking). I am usually with your horse for at least an hour, which involves: asking questions of you, your horse and hands-on healing for your horse and you, if needed too.
Please note, If there is more than one horse that you would like me to communicate with, then the multiple charge for communication as shown on the fee page will apply.

Contact Karen Lyon
Animal Healer and Horse Whisperer